Masks and the wisdom in live encounters: the strange other — within yourself
Jester (Museo Nazionale Archeologico di Taranto, Italy) — photo by Joke Koppius
With the masquerade game you explore the social masks that we all wear and the art of meeting each other in a small group. The game lets you play with kingly wisdom and foolish tricks! It invites you to see the interplay between people as a masquerade and to meet the strange other (in yourself) and thereby unmask yourself and others.
Playing with masks teaches one to find a good balance between identification with functional role(s) and total detachment to your own form of social engagement.
Playing with social masks and tapping into your own jester and king to wisdom
The Masquerade Game provides an introduction to the Hero Game: play yourself!
Duration: at least one half day, for 3 to 6 players.
A workshop ‘demasqué’, also available an in-company program, with a multitude of the game material for groups of teams of up to 24 people: to strengthen relational qualities and developmental processes by giving attention to nasty encounters, bad feelings in collaboration and confrontations in work contexts.
Playing Materials
Part of Masquerade Game: Meeting Strange Others!
Box containing:
Playing field:
1 Nasty Encounters
Play Attributes:
1 Hourglass (of about 3 minutes);
1 six Colour Dice;
6 Coloured Pencils;
8 mask holders
Playing Cards:
8 Nasty creaturers;
8 Royal Wisdom
Playing tokens:
8 Symbols of Encountering
Working Materials:
1 Instruction Guide with
8 Fill-in form for the exercises in the game;
8 Format for making the mask;
Passion as wisdom on elementary paths of research in order to develop the good (working) life
The Compassion Game appeals to the passions of players to align their course in life and career with their own inner compass. The game assignments are aimed at imagining and articulating the meaning of the good life in relation to tragedy. A playful introduction to research traditions from the perspective of philosophical counseling.
Using the symbolism of the four elements and mythological stories, you are invited to explore a personal fascination hand in hand with a theme from your own professional practice.
Compassion Game: the good life!
In the 6th century BCE natural philosophers debated which of the four elements contains the origin of life.
An investigative approach to this question marks the transition from a magical-mythical experience of the world to a rational worldview.
ISBN: 978-94-92127-05-1 — Kompassiespel: het goede leven!
The Compassion Game for developing the good (working) life provides a playful introduction to research paradigms and to Levensvisiespel: Visualize your inner compass!
Duration: two half-days, for 3 to 6 players.
Playing materials
Box contains:
Playing Field:
1 the Labyrinth
Playing Attributes:
1 six Colour Dice;
1 Hourglass (of about 10- 15 minutes)
1 CD Dream travelling and Heroic Dreams (Droomreizen en Heldendromen) with 22 songs
Playing Cards and Tokens:
4*5 Cards with Elementary Ways;
4*6 Cards with Places of Destination;
2*4 Tokens with Symbols of Power
Working Materials:
1 Instruction Guide with
8 Fill-in form for the exercises in the game
ADM is the research variant of the board game Know Yourself, the Compassion Game, and has contributed to the development of the Body of Knowledge and Skills of the master’s degree program in counselling at Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences and at Arnhem and Nijmegen Universities of Applied Sciences.
By playing the game with the involvement of teachers, the symbolism of the game has co-creatively led to the development of concepts of research qualities; such as the dynamic interplay between the ‘power symbols’ of the eye, the heart, the spiral and the hand, which has been interpreted as the methodical interplay of different voices inside oneself: mythos, pathos, logos and ethos.
This methodology has been developed into the Art Dialogue Methods (ADM), a developmental oriented approach in change processes and action research. A forthcoming textbook will be published about ADM, and there have been articles published in professional magazines (in NL): een artikelen reeks ― Begeleidingskundig-Handelingsonderzoek-MBK
Play yourself in the mirror of an inspiring role model
SPlayers look in the Mirror of Life with their own heroes and favorite fairy tales. What motivational figure or story do you remember from your childhood? Is there a living hero that inspires you right now? Following the path of an inspiring person (a living, legendary or fictional hero or heroine) in the game enables players to (re)orient themselves on their own path of life.
ISBN: 978-90-822774-6-3 — Heldenspel: speel je zelf!
Dynamic Game for discovering your motives and drives by following the way of living of your hero
Duration: two half-days, for 3 to 6 players.
Playing Materials
Box contains:
Hero Game: play yourself!
Playing fields:
1 Mirror of Hero’s;
1 Field of Ordeals
Playing attributes:
1 Six Colours Dice;
1 Sand Glass;
8 Quintessence drops;
2*4 Elements of Happiness;
1 CD Dream travelling and Heroic Dreams (Droomreizen en Heldendromen) with 22 songs
Playing Cards and Tokens:
8 Cards with Principles of Happiness;
8 Cards with Weapons;
8 Cards with Magical Helpers;
8 Tokens with symbols of power of the way chosen;
8 Rings with Hope and Fear;
8 Tokens with Quintessence Qualities
Working Materials:
1 Instruction Guide with
8 Fill-in form for the exercises in the game
Board Game to follow your wish in a dreamlike landscape
Game Board of Dream Game: Follow your Wish!
A preliminary round is based on a creative exercise that depicts the dream wish of the players and determines their starting position, linked to their chosen element (earth, water, air, fire) and their chosen attitude in life. Players then place their pawn on one of the eight frames with principles of happiness through which they enter the dreamlike landscape on the game board. They choose a game supervisor from among themselves who will guide the group through the game on the basis of the Instruction Guide.
The journey then begins by following the labyrinthine paths with mythical-philosophical symbols in five rounds, devoted to life themes.
In a ‘harvesting’ seventh round on the elemental Places of Arrival, the players reflect on their individual journies and its significance for their (working) everyday life.
The Power of Interplay and Dialogue
The dialogues around the game board introduce mythical-philosophical perspectives, tapping into the intuitive knowledge of the players. It is precisely the enigmatic questions and symbols that add an out-of-the-box and metaphorical language about everyone’s dreams and wishes, while the game cards shed light on the insights gleaned from the philosophical art of living. Players are invited to give meaning to what is at stake, and explore the situation into which they have been thrown by the dice (symbolic of chance or destiny). What leeway do you see and how do you give direction on your path of life?
In-between space …
Workshop Dream Game: Follow your wish!
Playing the game calls for some self-reflection, and yet at the same time it is appealing to meet each other in the ‘in-between space’ which is created. Both individually and in a small group, you wander a labyrinthine path across the game board: a landscape full of symbolism. By letting the visual language and the myths speak, an ‘as if’ space is created. While travelling, your own life feels like a dream and your dreams come true…
The game rounds are devoted to basic life themes: authenticity, education, ups and downs, crises and tragedy, encounters on life’s journey and finding your destiny (the centre of the game board). While making choices in the game, players will experience the existential tension between the power of destiny and following your own course, necessary to find your own true orientation in life.
ISBN: 978-90-822774-7-0 — Droomspel: doe je droomwens!
Wisdom game for investigating a personal motivation and guiding values in life and work contexts, by playfully practicing the philosophical and mythical art of living.
Duration: 1 day to six half-days, for 3 to 8 players.
Also applicable for groups and teams of up to 24 people (with a counsellor and suitable working materials) to explore the interplay between personal and professional values and to empower relational qualities and enhance developmental processes.
Playing Materials
2 Boxes containing:
Dream Game: Follow your wish!
Board game, Playing Fields en Overview:
1 game board Landscape of happiness;
1 playing field Dreaming in the Mirror of Myths;
1 playing field Alchemy of the Soul;
1 playing field Temple of Life’s Riddles;
1 Overview per round of playing cards and rings
Playing cards and rings:
3*32 Cards of rounds;
3*4 Cards of Elementary way’s;
6 rings with forces of prosperity and adversary;
20 Cards of Destiny
Playing attributes:
1 sic coloured dice;
1 whirlabout;
1 hourglass (of about 3 minutes);
1 CD Dream travelling and Heroic Dreams (Droomreizen en Heldendromen) with 22 songs
Playing figures/ pawns:
2 green, 2 red, 2 yellow en 2 blue wooden playing figures;
2 green, 2 red, 2 yellow en 2 blue hats for the playing figures
120 Elements of happiness:
30 green — Earth;
30 red — Fire;
30 yellow — Air;
30 blue — Water
Working materials:
1 Instruction Guide with
8 Fill-in form for the exercises in the game My Life’s Myth.
In a preliminary round, players become acquainted with the symbolism of the natural elements and the philosophical art of living as the basis of the game. This is expressed on the cards and playing fields with pithy sayings, such as those of Herakleitos of Ephesus (in present-day Turkey, around 600 BC):
Boundaries of the soul you will not find, however far you go and whatever road you walk, so deep is its ground.
Players choose a game leader from among themselves who will lead the tour group through the game using the Game Guide. Then the journey starts with the five game rounds on the game board and a final (seventh) afterplay round, in which players harvest from the game.
Each round of the game allows players to reflect on an important theme of the philosophical art of living. The game counsellor encourages the players to reflect on their own life themes and questions, enriched by the philosophical and mythical perspectives on the playing cards. As a result, philosophical insights come to life and personal themes are deepened in a dialogue with each other.
Playing figures Vision game
After each game round with dialogic exchange around mythical and philosophical perspectives, players express and imagine their own vision of the (life) theme that has been raised. Rolling the dice leaves players interested in a situation, symbolic of being ‘thrown into life’. Conducting a dialogue with each other is an exercise in giving meaning to life and being aware of the scope for designing life as a work of art according to the philosophical art of living. The symbols on the game board invite to associative thinking and thus to confront one’s own view in a playful way and to make a connection with questions in life.
At the end of the journey across the game board, participants have visualized and expressed their own vision on the themes addressed on the Game Form.
Tune your inner compass and develop your vision in life by means of the philosophical art of living!
ISBN: 978-90-822774-9-4 — Levensvisiespel: stem je innerlijk kompas!
Wisdom game for developing the art of living by tuning your inner compass.
Duration: 3 to 9 half-days, for 3 to 8 players.
With a multitude of game material also applicable for groups and teams of up to 24 people: in work contexts to empower and develop ethical perspectives on working issues and to get acquainted with a philosophical art of living.
Playing materials
Box containing:
Board game, Playing fields, Overview:
1 Board game of the Art of Living;
1 Playing field Philosophical Compass;
2 Playing field Alchemie of Collaboration;
2 Playing field Ethical Perspectives;
1 Overview Tokens of Qualities
Playing Cards and RIngs:
2*32 Cards of Rounds;
20 Cards of Elementaire Way’s;
6 Rings with Moral Motives;
24 k Cards of Destiny
Working materials:
1 Instruction Guide with
8 double Fill-in form for the exercises in the game ‘Research form’ en ‘Visualizing my life vision’;
Tokens with elementary qualities:
4*4 Course in life (green, red, yellow and blue);
4*4 Education (green, red, yellow and blue);
4*4 Reflection (green, red, yellow and blue);
4*4 Crisis (green, red, yellow and blue)
Vision Game: visualise your inner compass!!
Playing attributes:
1 CD Dream travelling and Heroic Dreams (Droomreizen en Heldendromen) with 22 songs;
1 six coloured dice;
1 whirlabout;
1 hourglass (of about 3 minutes)
Playing figures:
2 green, 2 red, 2 yellow and 2 blue Playing figures with symbol; respectively eye, hand, head and heart
Dialogue on existential questions with ethical perspectives
Four sets of cards accompanying the four rounds in the dialogue
The Existential play introduces philosophical and mythological perspectives for conducting a moral dialogue within a small group. In a preliminary round, one chooses who will guide the game as a dialogue facilitator. All other participants enter the game with their chosen personal dilemma, existential question or theme in life and/or in their career.
The game and dialogue facilitator ensures that in each round everyone’s problem, theme or question is addressed. At the same time, there will be a collective dialogical exploration in which players ask each other in-depth questions and reflect on the different symbols in the game that are linked to mythological and philosophical narratives.
During the four dialogical rounds, the players enrich their insights to the question or theme at stake, as well as critically examine their normative beliefs on the basis of:
the philosophy on the art of living and the good life
the morality of obedience versus the ideal of mastery in life
the morality of autonomy and makeability of life
the existential loyalty to oneself and the ability to play with a plurality of perspectives
By examining your theme in the game as a moral issue, you are introduced to ethical perspectives in a playful manner. Playing the game will not provide a univocal answer, but rather, players will spin off their problem, theme or question as a moral thread on life’s journey.
ISBN: 978-90-822774-4-9 — Existentiespel: volg je weg!
Duration: one (half) to one full day, for 4 to 6 players.
Playing material
Box contains:
4 Playing fields in the instruction guide: 1 Elementary happiness;
1 Existential motives;
1 Temple of moral riddles;
1 Inner compass;
Playing attributes:
1 colour dice;
1 hourglass of about 5 minutes;
1 whirl about
Playing cards:
2*8 Good and evil;
2*8 Mythical signs;
2*8 Philosophical signs;
2*8 Philosophical tools
Working materials:
1 instruction guide with dialogical exercises and
8 Fill-in forms (double sided)
Playing cards, fill-in form and playing attributes for the Existential Play
Elementary wisdom to reflect on happiness through the philosophical art of living
The Gnosis game encourages players to explore their own views of life and happiness in life and to give them shape through words and images.
Gnosis game: a quest for wisdom!
The word gnosis is an ancient Greek word for wisdom associated with self-knowledge. With this game you develop your knowledge about the full life from within.
Against the background of classical concepts on the art of living and mythical themes, players conduct a dialogue about the meaning of a personal moment of happiness and reflect on their own life orientation. How could your view on happiness be enriched? This game offers classical perspectives on the art of living by being aware of the tragedy and shadow sides of life, to develop a vision of the full potential of the happiness of life!
ISBN: 978-90-822774-8-7 — Gnosisspel (NL) Quest for Wisdom!
The Gnosis Game offers the basic explanation of the game concept Know Yourself, specifically the Dream Game (Droomspel): Follow your Wish!
Duration: half a day, for 3 to 6 players.
ISBN: 978-94-92127-00-6 — Gnosis Game (EN) Quest for Wisdom
Dynamic game based on the philosophy of the art of living to facilitate dialogues on inclusive happiness to enrich your personal view on happiness in life
Playing Materials
Box contains:
Playing Fields:
1 Elementary Directions to Happiness;
1 Mythical Red Thread
Playing Attributes:
1 hourglass (about 2 minutes);
1 six colour dice;
2*5 Elements of Happiness;
1 CD Dream travelling and Heroic Dreams (Droomreizen en Heldendromen) with 22 songs
Playing Cards:
2*5 Cards of Elementary Paths
Working Materials:
1 Instruction Guide with
8 Fill-in form for the exercises in the game ‘My Way to Happiness’
of the steps in the game on the bottom of the box.
Pillar 1 Know Yourself — the Mythical-philosophical Board Game
The game board of Know yourself!
Know thyself is a mythical-philosophical game concept.
The game board consists of five circles, corresponding to themes and game rounds. In total there are seven game rounds, with an intake round and a finishing round. Each round is dedicated to a particular theme of the art of living ― such as authenticity, ups and downs in life, how to deal with crises, meaningful encounters and finding your destiny ― helping the participants to find a good course in their (working) life.
A journey through a landscape full of images of happiness and tragedy
With a small group ― family or friends, work or sports team ― you make a journey through the landscape of images on the game board, which is full of symbolism and philosophical perspectives on the art of living, and the tragedies and happinesses of life!
Although each participant makes the journey across the game board individually, with their own choices determining their path in the game ― just as everyone undertakes the life journey alone ― you still travel together as a group. The dialogues with each other and surprising perspectives on the Playing Cards and Playing Fields stimulate thinking outside the box and help the players to find a good course in their own (working) life.
Variants of the Board Game Know Yourself
Playful exercises for the art of living
Around the board game there is space for meeting and fun, wonder and discovery.
There is space for the playful exercises in the philosophical and practical art of living: the art of giving meaning to life!
The art of living is the art of ‘becoming who you truly are’, through encounters and dialogues as crucial ingredients! These you will cocreate in a small group around the board game on your mythical-philosophical journey, by finding your way through the labyrinthine landscape.
Given the complexity of Knowing Yourself, the game concept has been thematically developed into five smaller game forms; There is also a philosophical variant, in which the mythical and philosophical backgrounds are elaborated upon in the Instruction book and on the Playing Cards.
Thematic mythical-philosophical games:
Elementary wisdom and the pursuit of happiness — Gnosisspel: both in Dutch and English: Gnosis Game: Quest for Wisdom!
Masks in living encounters — Masquerade Game: Meeting Strange Others!
Follow an inspiring role model on your ‘path of a hero’ — Hero Game: play yourself! (also as outdoors activity; and as an activity for kids)
Passion as wisdom on elementary paths of research — Compassion Game: the Good Life!
Follow your wish through a mythical-philosophical landscape of the art of living — Dream Game: Follow your Wish!
Imagine your vision on life in the mirror of philosophical perspectives — Vision Game: Visualize your Inner Compass!
The different forms of the board game Know Yourself are suitable to play in a small group, guiding you with the help of the extensive Game Instructions or under the guidance of a QFWF counsellor.
One hundred percent of the money raised by the sale of all of the products will be used in realising our upcoming QFWF educational projects, all of which are non-profit and run by volunteers.
Addressing life themes with symbolism across the boundaries of cultures
A workshop under QfWf guidance
Art Dialogues around the board game Amor Fati
Amor Fati is a board game to enhance the intercultural art of living: you undertake a journey across a colourful landscape full of symbolism and along the way you pick up intercultural visions and mythical wisdom.
Around the Amor Fati game board, you travel through seven game rounds that address life themes and exchange associations and experience with your travel companions for a wise way of dealing with the questions life poses.
On the journey you explore the tension between amor fati as fate of your destiny and the freedom to shape life yourself:
In a workshop to get acquainted with the intercultural art of living.
In a master class to learn how to guide this game form yourself.
From half a day to 9 half days, suitable for individuals, groups and teams
The Quintessence Game
Introducing Amor Fati
Whereas Amor Fati’s extended play mode can encompass a Quest to 9 (half) daily sessions, you can also choose a shorter introduction to the intercultural art of living through the Quintessence Game
This is a wisdom card game that introduces the art of living as a group of global citizen with three different layouts and conversation formats:
Quintessence: how to connect the wisdom of earth, of water, of air and of fire to the unsaid of the fifth element?
Your Quest? Explore an issue with each other by allowing chance or fate to play a role in your exploring the question behind the question!
Oracles: How to unlock ancient wisdom from the four corners of the world by being the oracle for each other?
Around the Amor Fati game board, full of mythical-philosophical symbolism, you explore the intercultural art of living, with the aim of promoting meaningful encounters and enriching conversations as global citizens.
The board game is developed by Heidi Muijen as Human, know yourself from 2006 onwards in her philosophical counselling practice Thymia, resulting in six game forms of playing around life-themes. These are still available as a workshop as a means for personal and professional growth.
The six mythical-philosophical workshop themes:
Whereas Amor Fati is a play for which you need up to 9 half days time, there are introductory forms to get acquainted with Amor Fati from half a day to 4 half days, suitable for individuals, groups and teams:
Elemental Wisdom — Gnosis game: a quest for wisdom!
The Art of Encountering — Mask game: the strange other!
Follow your ‘Hero’s Paths’ — Hero game: play yourself!
Elementary way’s of research — Compassion game: the good life!
The Art of Dreaming — Dream game: Follow your wish!
Envisioning your view of life — Vision game: attune to your inner compass!
Around a colourful Dialogue Tablecloth full of transcultural symbolism ― around myths and philosophical and spiritual perspectives from all coners of the world. These aim to uncover the important questions behind opinions: Explore your differences in framing an issue on a quest towards the core of sense making with intercultural perspectives!
What is your Quest? is played in four rounds by means of symbolic objects and two sets of cards with Western and Intercultural perspectives from East, West, North, South.
By reflecting on the images and symbolism on the Dialogue Tablecloth, a delay of reaction is created and the conversation tilts from simply ventilating opinions, to questioning and hearing the polyphony and layering in different meanings.
Dialogues in personal and professional settings
Around the playful dialogue tablecloth you engage in a dialogue, with a team, your family, a group of friends on a discovering journey. There are four dialogue rounds, with intercultural symbolism and perspectives, such as: elementary wisdom, the search in the labyrinth of life, meaningful encounters on the journey of life, how do you interpret signs as a language of the soul, listening to your moral compass.
In a workshop one becomes acquainted with a playful form of dialogue.
In a master class you learn to use a playful form around the dialogue tablecloth yourself as a professional.
From half a day to 4 half days, either in Dutch or in English
Suitable for individuals and groups: friends and family and (sports and working) teams.
You either explore a common issue or each participant explores their own question.
Through the QfWf-dialogue game The Four Winds an Educational Team of the University of Applied Sciences has explored the issue of “Inclusive Communication with our students and with each other, how?”.
With the team around the Dialogue Tablecloth Four Winds
One of the responses:
“Talking with images, or from images is sometimes easier, if you don’t know the meaning of symbols at first …. Beautiful work forms, special experiences, cheerful …. Staying with your feelings, not everything has to have a meaning in your head …. It brings you surprisingly close to the core. Norms, values, beliefs …. Free, playful, associative. Instructive how images can evoke so many different emotions.”
The Dialogue Table was developed by Heidi Muijen from 2010 onwards in her philosophical counselling practice Thymia, resulting in different forms of playful dialogues for the purpose of investigating personal, professional and social issues. The workshops around the Dialogue Tablecloth are designed to stimulate the imagination and with creative exercises, so that the participants are focussing on questioning their own frame of reference behind the issues at stake.
There are shorter (thematic) Dialogue forms, playfully tackling life themes, that are still available as a workshop as a means of personal and professional growth:
The Images in Dialogue — in four dialogue rounds to the core of an issue.
The Quest — dialogues around a triptych Past – Present – Future.
The Pythiagame — a creative oracle game to explore your own wisdom.
The Existential game — follow your own path to the good life according to ethical perspectives.
A contemplative game that is both challenging and fun
A workshop under QfWf-guidance
With Adinkra — an intercultural communication game in 2 rounds.
A workshop offers an exercise in an indirect form of communication and an introduction to traditional African wisdoms — in particular the symbols and proverbs of the Akan in Ghana.
In a masterclass one learns to use this form of play professionally
Lasts from 1 to 2 half-days, suitable for groups and teams.
Together with your team, family or other network, you first follow an introduction given by Dr. Louise Müller — an expert in the field of African and intercultural philosophy — about the background of Adinkra, the Asante culture and various philosophies of Ghana.
Also, it is possible to play Adinkra online with each other.
You can see how this intercultural communication game can also work as a digitally powerful game, by connecting within your own network!
A few impressions from participants:
“Great to experience this and see what is possible digitally.”
“Nice and creative initiative. Beautiful things also arise to keep in touch with each other.”
“It’s great that we are not being fooled by the corona virus and still meet each other in this way.”
“Very inspiring and surprisingly fun!!!”
Louise Müller on the game Adinkra:
“Adinkra, with image-rich proverbs and powerful symbols from Ghanaian culture, allows people to experience the wisdom of the Akan philosophy in a playful way”.
Workshops, guest lessons and master classes, also on location.
For teambuilding, company outings, masterclasses in cultural diversity, intercultural communication and high-context culture exercises using adinkra.
Dr. Louise F. Müller also gives workshops, guest lessons and masterclasses on location and tailored to the purpose of the meeting and the target group.
Including: an association, a club of friends, a family reunion, a cultural team outing, team training intercultural differences; guest lectures for students, teachers and other professionals, administrators and managers, who take inclusion to heart and want to further develop their skills in cultural diversity.
Workshops and masterclasses both live and online! Requests and to Purchase:
Hybrid play with the game Quest for Wisdom
Find your course in life through the Art of Living
A workshop under QfWf-guidance
The Digital game Quest for Wisdom ― spin the wheel of the intercultural art of living!
Is suitable for individuals, groups and teams for the purpose of setting your course in life and career.
This takes place in seven Game Rounds with questions based on intercultural symbols and stories from wisdom traditions from the East, West, North and South.
The Digital game Quest for Wisdom can be used:
On a Quest as team for a full day or as a pre-conference activity; also in a hybrid form of training in combination with a masterclass
In a workshop in order to become acquainted with dialogue and play as a means of developing the intercultural art of living. Using intercultural symbols and stories from wisdom traditions from the East, West, North and South.
In a masterclass one learns to use this form of play professionally.
Requiring at least ½ half a day;
Also it is possible to organise a meeting of up to 3 days if desired, suitable for individuals, groups and teams.
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