Playful Dialogues — Dialogue Table — Playful Dialogue Table — Quintessence Play — Quest Play — Pythia Play — Existential Play
Dis-covering worlds around issues!
Sitting around the Dialogue Tablecloth and dis-covering the essential through your own imagination
Sitting as a group around the dialogue tablecloth you may discover colourful differences of views, presuppositions and revealing experiences around the issue at hand. On a Quest you primarily explore the questions around a central issue, about which everyone has an opinion, in order to unravel its true meaning and allow for the polyphonic, pluriform and layered answers of the players.
By triggering the imagination through the symbols on the dialogue tablecloth, your own point of view and that of others will be questioned, so that a pluriform palette of views, experience, biases and longings around the issue will be heard in a colourful and revealing way. Both as a group, and individually, you go on a journey (a quest) directed towards the quintessence… that is, the essence that everyone extracts from the conversation. The quintessence is depicted on the dialogue tablecloth as the central circle with the four pure elementary colours green, blue, yellow and red, and on top of this, a crystal ball.
Philosophical tools as searchlights

In the second round of the dialogue, participants use philosophical tools to shed different lights on the issue. The eight symbols — tunnel, claw hammer, ladder, lantern, hot air balloon, goggles, bridge, and anchor — are linked to cross-cultural perspectives from East, West, North and South. These are powerfully depicted on the eight cards.
There is also a card set available with perspectives from Western philosophies, as well as an Intercultural set with sayings of sages and wisdom traditions from around the world.
The Playful Dialogue is available in three forms:
- In a simple form, by associating yourself around the images and symbols on the Dialogue Cloth to discover plurality around an issue,
- through following the dialogue instructions on the game formula and using the set of cards and rich objects
- In a guided form, as a way of philosophical and biographical counselling under supervision of a Quest for Wisdom professional.
Playing Materials are ordered according to your choice
- Dialogue Guide and Format: to help you to engage in a playful dialogue in four rounds;
- Play Cards: 8 Philosophical Tools with Western perspectives.
Card Set available in a Dutch and an English version
ISBN: 978-94-92127-02-0 Intercultureel Dialoogspel
Inquire and purchase for the revised edition Four Winds
Update 2022-07