
The Quest for wisdom foundation (QFWF) is founded to stimulate the intercultural art of living

“Every person longs for the good life and every culture has wisdom on how to flourish as a person and as a community: on an inward journey that connects all corners of the world.

In a tilting world order the QFWF aims to contribute towards a culture of openness and pluriformity, by tapping into one’s own and shared historical roots and to revitalize wisdom traditions in appealing intercultural forms.

The Wheel of the Intercultural Art of Living has been created in order to realize this mission through the three Quests:

Quest 1 Wisdom Web

Collecting, developing and publishing (inter)cultural and artistic material for the Wisdom Web

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Quest 2 Golden ratio

Developing and publishing the diversity of cultural wisdom into a golden ratio of educational material to enhance the intercultural art of living, such as play- and dialogue forms, e-books and storytelling

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Quest 3 Meet

Organizing living Encounters and a space between cultures through Meeting Days, Masterclasses and the QFWF video channel

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The Quest for wisdom foundation (QFWF) is founded to stimulate the intercultural art of living Read More »

Quest 2: Golden Ratio

Wisdom gathered from all over the world for the benefit of diversity and inclusion are offered as educational materials:

  • to get to know other cultures and wisdom traditions
  • to promote intercultural communication, art forms and philosophies
  • to develop unifying cultural practices.

Through these materials, functioning as a Golden Ratio — partly published on the Wisdom Web (Quest 1) and also shared on the Encounter Days, through Workshops and Masterclasses as well as being documented on the QFWF video channel (Quest 3) — personal growth and community building are facilitated.
The Golden Ratio consists of an artistically designed and culturally diverse palette of materials that are grouped around particular themes of the intercultural art of living; such as the wisdom taught through play, proverbs, myths and animal stories.

The QFWF sees the realization of an Intercultural Meeting House for the promotion of the Golden Ratio as a promising future project.

The Three Pillars of Quest 2: Golden Ratio

Golden Ratio Playfulness — Board Games and Dialogue Tables

Golden Ratio Digital — Digital Games, Animations, etc.

Golden Ratio Collections — (E) Books of Wisdom

Purchase of Educative Materials

One hundred percent of the money raised by the sale of all of the products will be used in realising our upcoming QFWF educational projects, all of which are non-profit and run by volunteers.

Update 2022-07

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