“Every person longs for the good life and every culture passes on its wisdom to future generations to grow as a person on an inward journey that connects all corners of the world. Thereby we flourish as a community, celebrating life in the cosmopolis “
In a tilting world order the QfWf aims to contribute towards a culture of openness and pluriformity by tapping into one’s own and shared historical roots. Can we learn to be global citizens by revitalizing wisdom traditions worldwide and liberating ourselves from groupthink?
The Wheel of the Intercultural Art of Living has been created to realize this mission. By the spinning of the Wheel around a yearly theme the three Quests flow together on our platform DeGuldenSnede:

Quest 1 Wisdom Web
Collecting and publishing (inter)cultural and artistic materials for the Wisdom Web

Quest 2 Golden ratio
Developing the diversity of cultural wisdom into a golden ratio of educational materials to enhance the intercultural art of living, such as play- and dialogue forms, e-books and storytelling

Quest 3 Meet
Organizing living Encounters and a space between cultures through Meeting Days, Masterclasses and the QfWf video channel