QfWf: Cultural ANBI status

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The Quest for wisdom foundation (QfWf) has a cultural ANBI status.
What that means according to the ficus is explained here:  Public Benefit Organizations / Culturele ANBI

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Below is the (annual) publication obligation on our website

State of affairs: end of 2024

Publication Obligation Regarding the Cultural ANBI status

1-3: Business data QfWf:

4: The QFWF Goals:

Intercultural Art of Living for Inclusion and Transcultural Connections

The objectives of the QfWf are based upon the statutes of the Quest for Wisdom Foundation. As founded in 2016 statuten volgens de oprichtingsakte Stichting Quest for Wisdom Foundation

5: The QfWf Policy plan:

The QfWf policy plan is detailed in a multi-year plan: Beleidsplan-QfWf-2024-2026

Objectives and Policy Plan stem from the QfWf Mission and Vision: 

The Quest for wisdom foundation was founded on the 10th of October 2016 by Dr. Heidi S.C.A. Muijen with the mission of fostering a culture of openness to inclusion and cultural diversity. The QFWF does this by collecting and further developing cultural expressions of wisdom traditions from North and South, East and West.

The QfWf activities continue to take place together with a growing circle of stakeholders, who share the mission of the foundation – as visualized and expressed in the ‘Wheel of the Intercultural Art of Living’. 

The need for an intercultural art of living

Being able to deal effectively with our differences is a delicate matter in our current times.

The objective of the foundation calls for an intercultural art of living as an answer to the appeal of ‘the multicultural society’.

Dealing with differences

Dealing with differences has been raised as a social issue by Paul Scheffer, in his controversial article Het multicultural drama (2000). Before that, the international debate had been heated up by Samuel P. Huntington’s terrifying perspective on the Clash of Civilizations (1996). Since then, there has been a heated political debate in many lands with multicultural populations, and the social debate on social media is getting ever louder and more troubled ….

The QfWf wants to play a role in tilting the debate

The QfWf wants to help turn the polarized debate about migration, refugees and religious strife from a problem for ‘political experts’, to a relevant issue for all of us, making an ethical appeal to everyone, from the current administration to our neighbours on the street.

How do we deal with, and how do we want to deal with ‘the strange other’?
That strange other can be the foreigner, the outcast, the fringe figure, the refugee and sometimes ourselves …

In order to tilt the debate, the QfWf sees it as a call to recalibrate the awareness of who ‘we’ are as citizens of the cosmopolis: nomads with intercultural identities.
These geopolitical landslides affect all of us as co-inhabitants of our shared planet Earth.
That is why the QfWf addresses this issue as a question, an ethical issue of a practical, social and political nature:

How do we not exclude the other and the others ― the ‘stranger’, of a seemingly different nature ― but to see them as part of us, as ‘the strange other(s)’ in ourselves?
How do we create growth inducing inter- and transcultural connections, instead of a divide and rule philosophy, us versus them mentality and an increasingly aggressive environment, as can be heard in the cry: “Who does not belong to ‘us’ (culture, race, religion, ethnicity) is against us …?”

The answer comes by stimulating the recognition of the beauty of our differences and shared commonality, instead of a fear of ‘otherness’.
The world of the arts and (inter-)cultural expressions create space both in and between people and establish meaningful connections between cultures!

Creating inter- and transcultural connections

The QfWf aims to collect artistic, philosophical and practical forms of cultural wisdom from East and West, North and South and to further develop them into useful forms that inform and inspire the intercultural art of living … so that people interact as willing players in an in-between space (as defined by Hannah Arendt) and also keep in touch with their core selves, so that we can fully develop and happily share our world with each other in a spirit of cooperation, openness and hospitality.

Hospitality, respect and inclusion and other shared values of humanity are what truly connect people as sisters and brothers ― open to a common playing field for all!

6, 7: The Board of the QfWf


8: Remuneration policy for the QfWf Board

The members of the board do not receive any remuneration for their work. They are, however, entitled to reimbursement of costs incurred in the performance of their duties, such as, for example, a travel allowance.

Board members cannot dispose of the assets of the institution separately. There is a separate bank account in the name of the QfWf. In addition, an annual financial overview is drawn up by the treasurer of the QfWf. This overview is discussed and adopted during an annual board meeting (at which at least 3 members of the board are present).

9: Report of the Activities Performed

In 2021 as well as in 2024 the QfWf received funding, due to the cultural and social relevance of her activities. The first subsidy was given for developing an intercultural storytelling programme during the Corona lockdown which was presented on a specially designed website Animal Wisdom including an educative offer with a series of ebooks. The second subsidy addressed the theme of Global Citizenship and resulted in the fusion of the three Quests as the Golden Ratio Quest around a yearly theme of the intercultural art of living.

With a view to stability and continuity, the QfWf had restructured its working method in 2019. This operation brought more coherence to its very diverse activities. It achieved this goal on the one hand by attracting more volunteers and on the other hand by means of a clearer profile of its activities around the three Quest for Wisdom goals: Quest 1 ― unlocking wisdom from all over the world through the Wisdom Web; Quest 2 ― Golden Ratio of Educative Materials; and Quest 3 ― Meet, by means of Annual Meeting Days, Workshops, Masterclasses, Newsletter ‘Spinning web’ and the Video channel. 

The design of these three Quests is an organic continuation of the QFWF course formulated in the statutes. There are three ‘roads’ indicated, which the QFWF takes for the development of intercultural art of living, in the realization that this goal:

  • grows with a historical awareness of the (inter)cultural roots of wisdom traditions,
  • thrives on interest in other cultures and wisdom traditions and
  • bears fruit through encouter and cross-pollination between cultures

From 2024 onwards the three Quests are integrated focussing on Global Citizenship by developing every year an intercultural artistic and educative programme which is presented on the Yearly Meeting Day as well as on The Golden Ratio.

Awarding Cultural ANBI-status
Toekenning Culturele ANBI-status

Since its foundation in 2016 the QFWF celebrated on 6 July 2018 that it has been recognized by the Tax Authorities as a Algemeen Nut Beogende Cultural Instelling (cultural ANBI-status) with its objective and activities with retroactive effect since 1 January 2018.

See below the reports of QfWf-policy for activities in chronological order:

Annual Reports of the QfWf

Update 2025-02