Wisdom Collection (e-)books

Golden Ratio CollectionsAnimal Wisdom Collection — Wisdom Collection

The QfWf Wisdom Collection was born from the wisdom of wildhaired QfWf authors, who open up the richness of cultures worldwide with stories, music, visual arts, philosophical and spiritual traditions to a wide readership in their own way. They show wisdom from North, South, East and West in breadth, in multifaceted and artistic forms. Collections that go into more depth and highlight specific artistic wisdom from cultural traditions will also appear in the QfWf Wisdom Collection.

These (e)books are published in the Dutch and/or English language; and sometimes multilingual. The proceeds of these (e)books will entirely benefit this programme and upcoming QFWF projects. We hope for a wide and interested audience for this entire varied series.

The first three books in the QfWf Wisdom Collection will be published in a physical form, partly due to a grant awarded in 2023 by the Cultural Participation Fund for the ‘QfWf Global Citizenship from the Street program’.

The fourth and next publications in the series are all ebooks (pdf).

  • The series opens with Amor Fati: Spelende wijsheid voor de kosmopolis (NL) in which Heidi Muijen explores the question of global citizenship through the Wheel of the Intercultural Art of Living. The book thus highlights both the vision of the Quest for Wisdom foundation and the background for the board game of the same name developed by her, which addresses mythical-philosophical symbolism from the four corners of the world. A series of watercolours, Chinese brush paintings, drawings and collages by Greg Suffanti, Agnes Roothaan, Louis van Marissing, Annelie van Steenbergen, Caroline Young, Nour Kayali, Klaske Rehorst, Josee Tesser, Elin Maljaars, Marja Plas & Mitra Muijen depict intercultural themes as a common thread throughout the book. (NL, EN, 2024, ISBN 978 90 441 3970 9)
  • The second book (Post)Koloniale wa(a)r(d)en (NL) by Fred de Haas contains layered reflections on (post)colonial history: the author mirrors the Caribbean and Meso-American identity in poetry and literature, also with poems written by his own hand. Josee Tesser has enlivened this charged history with portraits of poets and historical figures in striking and humorous black-and-white drawings. In addition, the approximately 100 clickable links to musical interpretations bring the intercultural identities of Central and South American peoples into experience. (NL, 2025, ISBN 978 90 441 3973 0)
  • The editoral board of the third book Amor Mundi — Heidi Muijen, Klaske Rehorst en Robin Stemerding — documents the QfWf project ‘World Citizenship of the Street’ with art, poetry, images, raps, intercultural and philosophical reflections of the Quest for Wisdom Soul Circle how the world dream of the cosmopolis is developed into artistic forms for current contexts. (NL, EN, 2024. ISBN 978-94-92-127-198)
  • Hans van Rappard expertly explains the fascinating Chinese and European wisdom traditions in an intercultural-philosophical manner in e-book 4, Walking Two Roads, Accord and Separation in Chinese and Western Thought (EN. 2023. ISBN 978-94-92-127-204)
  • In e-book 5 Russische Zigeunerromances (NL), Fred de Haas opens up a hitherto little-exposed genre of Gypsy Romances with its rich intercultural and historical sources. The (90!) clickable links to beautiful old and newer renditions, including the musical renditions of Fred de Haas (guitar and vocals) and Ralph Kreuter (balalaika), are surprising. (NL, RU, 2023. ISBN 978-94-92-127-211)
  • In e-book 6 Middeleeuwse chirurgie in woord en beeld (NL), Marcel Reyners makes this invaluable combinations of the drawings of Şerefeddin Sabuncuoğlu (1385–1468) with the text of ‘The Method of Medicine’ of Albucasis (936–1013). about illuminated medieval surgery available to a broad Dutch-speaking audience – drawing on his years of life, travel and work experience with his richly flowing and literary pen. (NL. 2023, ISBN 978-94-92-127-228)
  • E-book 7, Ik ben iemand die intens leefde — Bloemlezing: gedichten en illustraties by Marianne H.B. van Halewijn contains a large collection of poems and digitised mandalas bequeathed by the author to the Quest for Wisdom foundation. This colourful anthology expresses an intensely felt cosmic connection. (NL, 2024, ISBN 978 94 92 127 174)
  • E-book 8, Knipoogjes: Korte en luchtige tijdreisjes in gezelschap van Henry Bergson, consists of columns in which essential issues are light-heartedly addressed by philosopher Rosalie de Wildt. The illustrations, watercolours by Greg Suffanti, add a humorous, colourful and intercultural layer to Rosalie’s philosophical outings. (NL, 2024, ISBN 978 94 92 127 181)
  • E-book 9, Het duurde maar even … – Gedichten die mij raakten by Fred de Haas contains about 60 poems with translations and adaptations by about 40 poets in Creole, German, French, Galician, Papiamento, Portuguese, Spanish and Russian…. (NL, multilingual, 2024, ISBN 78 94 92 127 242)
  • E-book10, Eye of the Tiger – Colorful Heritage of the Far East contains a unique collection of Chinese brush drawings by Caroline R. Young, interspersed with historical and mythical stories from the Far East. (EN, 2025, ISBN 978 94 92 127 259)

QfWf-Wisdom Collection — Wild Hair 

Purchase of educational materials

The financial benefits from these (e)books and other educational materials – which are all realised by volunteers – will entirely benefit this programme and upcoming QfWf-projects.

Update 2024-12