Playful Dialogues — Dialogue Table — Playful Dialogue Table — Quintessence Play — Quest Play — Pythia Play — Existential Play
Dialogical & playful conversations around a triptych: past — present — future
For life reorientation and meaningful encounters

The Quest game offers space for a small group to recalibrate their course in life and to become who they truly are…With circle discussions around the Triptych past — present — future, and a Life Staircase as a game form in which players reap their harvest from the dialogue rounds, in the form of a haiku, elf and a quatrain.
Three forms of circle discussions – Quintets, Kairos deliberate… and Bij Hermes! — create space for meaningful dialogue and form signposts on the quest in the labyrinth. Dialogue is the art of opening up to each other and making meaningful encounters possible. These encounters allow the world to look different by changing our fixed perceptions.
The dialogical conversations around the playing field aim to reflect on existential themes as part of our quest in the labyrinth of life. Sitting around the playing field of the Triptych ― with life riddles, philosophical wisdom and symbols of encountering ― players articulate their personal life theme as a quest in the game — a question with a playful quest as an answer.
The dialogue rounds about themes in life enrich the personal quests of the participants and the symbolism on the Triptych invites players to see important encounters and events in life as tokens on their way to the quintessence. The Quest play is a playful exercise to let players meaningfully reflect on their life as a journey in the labyrinth as reflecting a coherence between the chosen path and their destination. This coherence is symbolized in the game by the centre of the playing field, as quintessence or the fifth element, the place where path and destination cross/ coincide.
ISBN 978-90-822774-1-8 — Questiespel: de queeste in het labyrint!
- Playful dialogue for life reorientation and meaningful encounters.
- Duration: one half day, for 2 to 8 players.
Playing materials
Box contains:
- Dialogue guide:
1 instruction card; - Fill-in form ‘life’s journey’
with instructions how to write a haiku, ‘eleven’ and ‘quatrain’ - 1 Playing field with instructions:
Triptych Past — Present — Future
* A Temple of Life riddles
* Encounters on life’s journey
* The Quest in the Labyrinth - Playing attributes:
1 hourglass of about 1 minute;
1 whirl about;
1 CD Dream travelling and Heroic Dreams (Droomreizen en Heldendromen) with 22 songs - Playing cards:
20 cards with wisdom quotes;
3 instruction cards for dialogical conversations - Tokens:
with 8 different playing figures
Purchase (NL): Quest Play
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Update 2022-07