Donate to the QfWf

Help realize the goals of the Quest for wisdom foundation (QfWf)!

Become a QfWf friend

You are a QfWf friend through volunteering or donating:
We hope for € 45,= per year – though we welcome everyone’s donation according to their means!

In addition to all the good things the QfWf tries to realize, as a QfWf friend:

  • you have free entrance on the annual QFWF meeting day
  • you get discount on workshops and masterclasses (25%)

Purchase of educational materials of the Golden Ratio, with discount up to 30% such as

You become a QfWf friend by transferring the amount to NL14TRIO0777827654 in the name of the QfWf in Weesp or via the donation module below.


Donating and bequeathing: make a donation to the QfWf!

The QfWf has cultural ANBI status

What that means according to the tax authorities in The Netherlands is explained here: algemeen nut beogende instellingen/culturele anbi.

Because the QfWf has a cultural ANBI status, there is an extra tax advantage, because an extra donation deduction applies.

To donate? Love!
