
Compassion Game: The Good Life!

Know yourselfGnosis GameMasquerade GameHero GameCompassion GameDream GameVision game

Passion as wisdom on elementary paths of research in order to develop the good (working) life

The Compassion Game appeals to the passions of players to align their course in life and career with their own inner compass. The game assignments are aimed at imagining and articulating the meaning of the good life in relation to tragedy. A playful introduction to research traditions from the perspective of philosophical counseling.

Using the symbolism of the four elements and mythological stories, you are invited to explore a personal fascination hand in hand with a theme from your own professional practice.

Compassion Game: the good life!

In the 6th century BCE natural philosophers debated which of the four elements contains the origin of life.

An investigative approach to this question marks the transition from a magical-mythical experience of the world to a rational worldview.

ISBN: 978-94-92127-05-1 — Kompassiespel: het goede leven!

  • The Compassion Game for developing the good (working) life provides a playful introduction to research paradigms and to Levensvisiespel: Visualize your inner compass!
  • Duration: two half-days, for 3 to 6 players.

Playing materials

Box contains:

  • Playing Field:
    1 the Labyrinth
  • Playing Attributes:
    1 six Colour Dice;
    1 Hourglass (of about 10- 15 minutes)
    1 CD Dream travelling and Heroic Dreams (Droomreizen en Heldendromen) with 22 songs
  • Playing Cards and Tokens:
    4*5 Cards with Elementary Ways;
    4*6 Cards with Places of Destination;
    2*4 Tokens with Symbols of Power
  • Working Materials:
    1 Instruction Guide with
    8 Fill-in form for the exercises in the game

Purchase: Compassion Game

Inquire and purchase: info@questforwisdom.org.

Art Dialogue Methods (ADM)

ADM is the research variant of the board game Know Yourself, the Compassion Game, and has contributed to the development of the Body of Knowledge and Skills of the master’s degree program in counselling at Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences and at Arnhem and Nijmegen Universities of Applied Sciences.

By playing the game with the involvement of teachers, the symbolism of the game has co-creatively led to the development of concepts of research qualities; such as the dynamic interplay between the ‘power symbols’ of the eye, the heart, the spiral and the hand, which has been interpreted as the methodical interplay of different voices inside oneself: mythos, pathos, logos and ethos.

This methodology has been developed into the Art Dialogue Methods (ADM), a developmental oriented approach in change processes and action research. A forthcoming textbook will be published about ADM, and there have been articles published in professional magazines (in NL): een artikelen reeksBegeleidingskundig-Handelingsonderzoek-MBK

Update 2022-07

Compassion Game: The Good Life! Read More »

Hero Game (also outdoors): Play Yourself!

Know yourselfGnosis GameMasquerade GameHero GameCompassion GameDream GameVision game

Play yourself in the mirror of an inspiring role model

SPlayers look in the Mirror of Life with their own heroes and favorite fairy tales. What motivational figure or story do you remember from your childhood? Is there a living hero that inspires you right now? Following the path of an inspiring person (a living, legendary or fictional hero or heroine) in the game enables players to (re)orient themselves on their own path of life.

ISBN: 978-90-822774-6-3 — Heldenspel: speel je zelf!

  • Dynamic Game for discovering your motives and drives by following the way of living of your hero
  • Duration: two half-days, for 3 to 6 players.

Playing Materials

Box contains:

Hero Game: play yourself!
  • Playing fields:
    1 Mirror of Hero’s;
    1 Field of Ordeals
  • Playing attributes:
    1 Six Colours Dice;
    1 Sand Glass;
    8 Quintessence drops;
    2*4 Elements of Happiness;
    1 CD Dream travelling and Heroic Dreams (Droomreizen en Heldendromen) with 22 songs
  • Playing Cards and Tokens:
    8 Cards with Principles of Happiness;
    8 Cards with Weapons;
    8 Cards with Magical Helpers;
    8 Tokens with symbols of power of the way chosen;
    8 Rings with Hope and Fear;
    8 Tokens with Quintessence Qualities
  • Working Materials:
    1 Instruction Guide with
    8 Fill-in form for the exercises in the game

Purchase: Hero Game

Inquire and purchase: info@questforwisdom.org.

Live-give, a rap from Henry Muldrow — Stichting Culturele Droomwevers! Listen:

Read (NL): Heldenspel-workshop

Hero Game Outdoors: Play Yourself!

Outside in nature or inside in a special location

ISBN: 978-94-92127-01-3 — Heldenbuitenspel: speel je zelf!

  • Outdoor Hero Game for teambuilding as well as for developing personal and collective values
  • Duration: two half-days, for 6 to 16 players, for groups of up to 24 players per team.
  • Also as activity for children!

Playing Materials

Comparable to the Hero Game

The Hero Game taps into the power to dream about life.

I dreamed I was a butterfly …
or maybe I am a butterfly dreaming of … ?

Inquire and purchase: info@questforwisdom.org

Update 2022-07

Hero Game (also outdoors): Play Yourself! Read More »